Markdown for Github

August, 2021 github logo


One of the most popular markup languages nowadays is markdown. Markdown is a lightweight markup language which is used to style plain text. It is easy to use and has various syntaxes for formatting text.

Markdown syntax applicable everywhere


# for h1 ## for h2 and so on.


*Italics* **Bold**

Unordered list

* item1 * item2

Ordered list

1. item1 1. item2


![Alternative text](url or image path)


[name of website](url)


> hey my name is aniket

Inline code

`const count = 10;`

Markdown syntax for github

Github has its own markdown syntax which gives an useful set of features to the users and makes their work easy.

Block of code

``` function alert(msg){ if(msg){ outputDiv.innerText = msg; }} ```

Syntax highlighting

```javascript function alert(msg){ if(msg){ outputDiv.innerText = msg; }} ```


It is used in issues. Helps to breakdown the issue into small tasks.

- [ ] incomplete - [x] complete

Reference to issue

Used to refer to issue or pull requests. It gets linked to the specific issue or pull request .



On mentioning a username, the user will be notified about the comment.



Whenever something is put inside double tildes, it gets crossed out.


Advantages of markdown